Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tĥe ċoffeė weāknesŝ

I completely broke the rules..., gluten free, no refined sugar

Coffee is a bit of a weakness for me and my honey. The Bodamite says he drinks seven to eight cups every morning. That is a gross exaggeration.

Josh likes hot, bitter coffee...just like his tea. I find this endearing. It's the little differences that make things fun and balanced.
I like cold, sweet, blended coffee.

Our local coffee shop happens to make the perfect frozen (blended) coffee.  It's a taste sensation!

Part of the reason Common Ground's frozen coffee is so perfectly delicious, is because the coffee flavor comes from a powder. No flavored syrup.  I am partial to vanilla/mocha.
I all too often venture there and happily suck down my frozen delight. Refined sugar and all!

But the best part of my vanilla/mocha frozen coffee... a shot of espresso! It completes this treat.

We can thank Michael, the barista, for the shot of espresso idea.

Even we have our food weaknesses. Coffee and pizza are just two of them!

What are your food weaknesses?


  1. I love this <3 Can't wait to share the experience with you!! :)

  2. Hey
    New follower from blogher. Great blog - I'm Celiac and do everything from whole foods! Would love to have you drop by my place and facebook!/LifeFromScratch


  3. So glad you stopped by my blog! I love your site. I can't wait to try your pizza recipe!

    ~ Jen
