Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Paŝta Pļus

Hey foodies!

 I have been searching out all kinds of fall cookie recipes. I haven't found one yet that
I am happy enough with to share with you. Fear not! I shall find and tweak the perfect cookie for fall.

In the mean time. . .

I have a tasty nibble to share with you. Pasta can be troublesome for the gluten intolerant; I have a fix for that that will brighten your day.

Barilla Plus. You may already know about this amazing pasta. It is made from lentils; so the little gluten that it does contain is more easily digested!
And the very best part. . it tastes exactly like regular pasta! Miracle.

It is better for you all around. It has fewer carbs and more protein. If you love your spaghetti, like me, Barilla Plus is the perfect pasta for you.  


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